Friday, February 24, 2012

wooden owl mobile perfect for a modern crib, nursery or playroom

Let's be honest, I usually draw wings on little critters that normally don't have wings.  So what am I doing sketching owls?  Well, owls really seem to be the thing right now, don't they?  If you do an Etsy search for "owl" you'll get nearly 106,000 items.  An Etsy search for "owl mobile" will land you with over 500.  So, I began work on an owl mobile of my own.  Why not?  (notice the new mobile hanger?)

And it was actually quite fun.  (I wouldn't have done it if it was going to be pure agony.  And, no, if everyone was jumping off a cliff I wouldn't jump just to be like them.)  I made a few owl sketches before going to bed one night and then woke up bright and early the next morning with new ideas.  These owls had to be my own.  I wanted them to fit in with the style of the OUToftheBOX Etsy shop.  So I flipped through my sketchbooks and found some patterns that would work well with these little feathered friends.

And, of course, they had to be colorful!  And I had to add some of my (what I call) signature mobile shapes.  I think these little guys fit in quite nicely in the shop and provide another range of owls to the hundreds of owls already out there in the Etsy universe.  I hope they find a happy home somewhere soon.

Owl fronts are on both sides in four different color patterns and designs.  So no owl backsides on this mobile!  Only happy, owly faces.  Check it out in the Etsy shop.  If nothing else, would you mind clicking on over?  It helps my ranking in "owl mobile" searches and I would be greatly appreciative... and I'm sure you'll have good karma for the rest of the day for supporting an artist.  :)



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