In the process of silkscreening some flying elephants for a new little project I'm working on. Don't want to say anything because it could totally not work and then I'd be forced to keep trying if I mentioned something about it here. If it doesn't work, I don't want to be tied down to it. Mostly I'm just trying to get my silkscreening technique down. I was having so much trouble yesterday while trying to make my film for exposing the emulsion. Was using some mylar in my ink jet printer and that simply was not working. So I went out and bought transparency film for copiers, ran some copies and now I'm back in business. The transparency film for ink jets costs probably twice as much as the same thing for copiers. Forget that! What, it's like a nickel to run a copy? I suppose for convenience sake the expensive stuff might be worth it...but until I know I'm into this silkscreening thing I'll just stick to the affordable stuff.
The house is a complete mess. I need the energy to do something about it. Laundry, litter box, floors, bathrooms, clutter, clutter, clutter. Maybe I should use the little bit I saved on purchasing the copier transparencies toward hiring a housecleaner. Wouldn't that be lovely? Well, everything else can wait - but that litter box has got to be cleaned - pronto. Oh fun.