Tuesday, May 10, 2005

back to reality

So we're back from a wonderful week stay on the island of Kauai in Hawaii. I'm in that mode now where it all just seems like a dream that we were ever there. I hate that. I'm starting to think that one week simply isn't enough. I need to stay there longer, need to be good and ready to come home...maybe that would make the leaving a little less painful. But I don't know, maybe that's impossible.
Anyway, we went to this BEauTIful garden called Allerton Gardens (part of the National Tropical Botanical Gardens). It was amazing. This shot of bamboo was taken there. I'm totally inspired to start gardening again. The philosophy behind Allerton Gardens was to create different outdoor "rooms" that were accented with different water features and unique tropical plants. I'd like to create some comfortable outdoor spaces that inspire different and unique moods.
A Hui Ho
(until we meet again)

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