Wednesday, May 13, 2009

grow green with me: weeks 1-2

I've got big plans for a vegetable garden this summer. It seems to be the trend, right? I've got everything started - all my organic seeds are soaking up water and sun and finally starting to poke through. I've discovered that the only way to grow seeds properly is to use a good seed starting mix. I have no idea what's in this stuff, but it soaks up the water like a sponge and keeps these seedlings damp all day. I don't know why it took me this long to figure that out. (if you're going to do something, do it right, correct?)

Here we were at Week ONE:

For some, it didn't take long at all (corn, watermelon, zuccini). Others are still working (basil, carrots, peppers) and I suspect my pumpkin seeds might have expired because I would have expected to see some green from them by now. As you can see, it's just about time for me to get my ground ready...


In the spirit of water conservation, I'm going to place raised beds in strategic areas on the lawn where the sprinklers don't quite make it and I find myself watering by hand all summer long. So we'll have corn in the front of the house, watermelon on the side lawn, most of the kitchen veggies (stuff I'll pick as I need it) conveniently located in my backyard planting area and pumpkins growing on our front bank where we need some ground cover anyway but aren't going to tackle during a water shortage. This will be our sixth summer in our house. It only took six summers for me to finally grow my own vegetables. Stay tuned!


Amy @ Living Locurto said...

How fun. I wish I could have a garden, but we live near the woods and have so many critters who like to eat everything:-( I just clicked over here from Martha's site. Your bibs are adorable. Congrats on all the success!! How fun was that to meet the queen herself!! YAY!

Jolene said...

Ha ha, it is indeed the trend since we jumped on the bandwagon a few months ago too! We now have cherry tomatoes, green onions, papaya, eggplant, carrots, corn, cilantro, parsely and basil growing in ours! I estimate that we've spent about three times more on growing the plants than just buying them in the market. :-( But at least they're organic, locally grown and healthy!