Thursday, September 22, 2005

rambling this morning

Ah Man! I'm hooked on "Lost". Got all caught up watching the re-runs all summer...and now after last night...I'm hooked. But I WILL NOT spend valuable time talking about television - something I am not proud to admit takes up enough of my valuable time as it is.

Here's a picture of a little something I worked on while we were on the road during our trip to the Pacific Northwest. It's a little patch made of wool felt and some fabric scraps. I made a few of these and felt like I was painting with fabric. I hope to sew up some bags that I will sew these patches onto. Simple bags - maybe canvas? - so the little "painting" isn't obscurred.

I've had SO MUCH catching up to do since we've been back. At least the bags are unpacked now and everything is more or less back in its place. "A place for everything and everything in its place!" (ha ha ha...yeah, right) Had a lot of work to catch up on. Still working out all the kinks on my computer that relate to working from home. I am happy to say, though, that I am now all set up for sending drawings to the print shop. Man, these days who needs to go to the office? It was, what, like 2 years ago that we had to print out drawings in our own offices and physically walk them down the street to the printer to have copies made? Now the drawings just magically dance across the wires and find their way into the printer's plotters. But I have to admit that I miss the smell of good old fashioned blue prints. I know I know - the chemicals were awful for the environment and your hands smelled like a photo lab after handling them too long - but come on, I'm not alone here am I? Who else remembers sniffing that freshly xeoroxed pop quiz handed out hot off the presses? (isn't there even a scene in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"...on another note - how far has Sean Penn gone from his checkered Vans wearing days?)

And even though I promised myself I would not discuss television - I must add this...I've got "The Apprentice: Martha Stewart" on my TIVO waiting to be watched. I'm anxious to see just what these gals and gents that were selected are all about. You see, I myself submitted a video application and was conVINCed that I would get a call from the good-thing-girl herself. Alas, I did not. The only thing I can figure is that there is a Dawn and a Donna on the show, so maybe it was just a mix-up. The meant to select me, Dawn from Vista, but somehow ended up with the other Dawn/Donna. That's gotta be what happened. Oh well - their loss!

And now, I must go try and catch up on my to-do list. Will I ever win the laundry war?

1 comment:

Jolene said...

I really, really like the look of your giraffe! There is a lot of definition to the color, yet it's soft and warm to look at. Very, very professional looking!

Glad you're back...was wondering where you guys took off too! Please tell Tomas I said Happy Birthday!

Oh, and don't feel bad about not getting the call from Martha, Rich tried for Survivor 3-4 years ago and never got called either. Sniff!