Thursday, June 30, 2005

back to the salt mines

Getting ready to go into the office. Yikes! It's been over a year and a half since I last rode down that elevator and walked out those doors before the birth of my son. Wonder if it will all just come back to me the second I walk into the lobby. I'm going to get my first assignment then come back home and work work work. I'm actually a little anxious about getting involved in some projects again. And, I've often found that I get more done when I have less time. So now that I'll be devoting 15+ hours a week to work, maybe I'll push myself to squeeze in more time for creative projects. I NEED that creative stuff. Even when I worked full time there's no way I would have survived unless I had some kind of creative outlet to look forward to on the evenings and weekends.
Made some little buzzing bog critters this morning. And I also found this cake slice necklace I made a couple months back. Tomorrow being my birthday and all (the big 3 2 !!!), I think I'll put this little bad boy on and start prancing around like the birthday girl I am!

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