Saturday, July 19, 2008

avoid the Walmart

Took a little break from the ABCs.

I'll get back on board, but some baking was in order (this packaged-up-bit goes off to the father-in-law... I really need to bake for him more. Whenever I do, he tells me I've missed my calling in life and should be running a bakery downtown. And, I'm always inspired by the way Alexis Stewart packages up her yummies. Also impressed by how much baking she does and still manages to be rail thin - she packages up all the goodies and gives them away! Oh, I get it, more baking, less eating. Yeah, I'll have to give that a try)...

And some gardening - this glorious stem broke off from my Dill plant while watering yesterday (it looks like a fireworks explosion!)...

And then a little sewing. Was tired of fishing around for sunglasses in the bottom of my bag only to find them smudged, scratched and bent. So, voila, sunglass case...

And now, it being a Saturday and the husband out with the kids, I need to catch up and get stuff done. A schlew of toys to pick up and a trip to the Walmart. Yeah, I don't like it either. Believe me, I avoid the Walmart as much as I can. (Target rules!) The only time I'll go is when I can justify the time, energy and gas it would take to go to more than 2 other stores to get my shopping done. Unfortunately, with koi food, kitty litter, window screen parts and tortillas on my list, it will save me time, energy and gas to just hit the Walmart. So forgive me, hard working family owned shop keepers of America, but the Walmart wins today. It won't happen again, I promise.

2 hours later...
Another lovely visit to the local Walmart. It's always such a pleasant experience! First of all, I always go in and out through the garden department - it's just less depressing that way. So there's this young, punk Walmart employee yelling at the 65+ year old greeter woman because she has a shopping cart parked adjacent to the garden center gate where she trims plants while doing her "Hello! Welcome to Walmart!!!" bit. I'm always so uncomfortable with those greeters, but I'll admit that it is pretty decent of Walmart to have such positions for these retirees who probably need the money but can't really handle much more. So, this punkass is telling her it's a tripping hazard to have her cart there, and she rattles off something in Spanish to the cashier which just sends the punk employee off. "Don't talk behind my back!" Give me a break. He makes a big old stink of it, yelling, "Don't talk behind my back," the entire walk back into the store. First of all, this woman has been doing this for at least the past 4 years that I've had the pleasure of shopping at this particular Walmart and I don't think that there's been a tripping incident in that time or she wouldn't still be doing it. Secondly, she's actually doing something with the time she's working rather than walking around picking fights with co-workers. Third, she's trimming off the dead flowers/leaves and probably making these plants desirable, whereas they wouldn't sell if she didn't. Fourth, every friggin' time I go to Walmart there are ladders or carts or what-have-you sitting in the middle of the aisle from employees who have decided to take a break in the middle of stocking the shelves. Talk about a tripping hazard! So, Mr. Punk This-Is-My-Summer-Job Walmart Man, leave my Walmart greeter alone! To top all this off, while I'm unloading my cart in the parking lot (listening to a man a few cars down scream at the top of his lungs at his kids), Mr. Diesel-Truck fires up his engine right next to me while unloading his cart - presumably so the cab would be nice and cool when he got in. Thanks, I haven't had my shot of carbon monoxide yet today. Give me a break! Have you heard about a little thing called the ozone layer?!?!? As God as my witness, I will never shop at Walmart again!!! These people come out of the woodworks and they all end up at Walmart.

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