Tuesday, September 05, 2006

bored beyond belief

Because I hate making posts without pictures...here's one of a wholesale order I shipped out last week:

Impatiently refeshing Lufthansa Airlines' arrivals page to check that my husband's plane is back safely on good ol' Ameereecan soil. "On Time" to "Final Approach" and....yes...there it is...."Flight Landed"! It's been an extremely boring week without him around. The evenings get very lonely. Used to be I'd drink a lot and watch old movies when he was out of town. This time, though, I turned to tonic and lime - tastes almost like a gin and tonic! Now why won't he answer his cell? Okay - take a chill pill - he JUST landed.

In two weeks I'll know if we'll be converting my son's bedroom into a boy-girl space or a completely boy space. I'm excited to turn the room into an entirely boggy experience - buzzing bog critters flying all over the walls, floor to ceiling bamboo patch murals, horsetail reed crib bumper, lilypad quilts and mobils hanging from every inch of the ceiling. Okay...that may be a slight exaggeration...but I do want to have fun with it. It'll be hard to paint over all the animals I hand painted on the wall before my son was born. It took me so long! But, onto something new.

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