Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Soy Candles

Beach Cottage Candles

natural soy candles

I finally finished putting together a website for my mom's soy candle business. Check it out. For those of you who were there, you might have seen her with me in the Out of the Box*California booth at Bazaar Bizarre/Maker Faire.

If you don't know anything about soy candles, allow me to educate you. Did you know that when you burn a paraffin wax candle, you are releasing carcinogens into the air because paraffin is made from petroleum? I sure didn't. Soy wax is, obviously, made from soy beans and doesn't pump all those harmful substances into the air. And, soy candles produce less soot. They also last longer and burn cooler. What I love is to pour some of the melted wax into my hand (I'm not into self-torture, really...since the candle burns cooler, the wax isn't nearly as hot!) and rub it into my cuticles. It's a *wonderful* moisturizer. I YloveY these candles. Go get some for yourself. Her prices are pretty darn good - you won't find a soy candle anywhere else for under $10.

Diet and exercise are back on and I'm doing my best to keep myself busy so my mind doesn't start to wander in the direction of badbadbad food. Let's see how long this burst of healthy enthusiasm lasts.

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