I made it into BazBiz San Francisco! Yes!
They like me, they Really like me! Now it's time to focus. Time to work my craftiness like I've never worked it before. BazBiz Los Angeles was such a good experience and gave me a good picture of what was successful and what wasn't. So it's time to review those notes and proceed in that direction. I'm excited to have an excuse to head up north for a long weekend. I know, I know...just yesterday I was talking about pinching pennies and saving for this summer's trip to Hawaii. But...I gotta think I'll sell
something...so the trip seems justified in my convoluted mind. It was so fun seeing all these wonderful artists and crafters at BazBiz L.A. So much diversity! I know San Francisco will be just as exciting. Okay - time for me to go get my fingers dirty with paint and sawdust and glue. This little guy here is a critter I cut from 1/4" particle board and painted. The wings are 1/8" birch plywood and are attached to the body at different angles, giving it a three-dimensional quality. Next I'd like to make something like this, but finished on both sides so it could be hung as a mobile. Off to work!
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